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Elected to Leadership of HBA Law Practice Management Section

Posted by George Olin Cruttwell | Apr 01, 2021 | 0 Comments

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Houston Bar Association

I am humbled and honored by my recent election as Secretary and a Director of the Houston Bar Association Law Practice Management Section for the upcoming 2021-2022 bar year. The Section is dedicated to teaching attorneys how to run their practices effectively and efficiently and live their lives with compassion, balance, and peace. I have been teaching attorneys and students of all ages throughout my 24-year career, so it is an honor to be part of the leadership team of a bar association section dedicated to teaching and uplifting my colleagues, which in turns makes their representation of their clients even better! This position as Secretary and Director aligns with my passion of improving the profession, evidence in small party by my regular column entitled "Ronin Reports," which is focused on teaching and motivating attorneys throughout the nation. The column comes out in GPSolo Magazine, which is the official magazine of the American Bar Association Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division. I sincerely embody the mission of this law firm: to serve our clients, judicial system, and community with excellence, integrity, and compassion.

About the Author

George Olin Cruttwell

George has represented people and businesses in court for over 22 years. Having represented big business, financial institutions, and original creditors and debt buyers, he now represents individuals and small businesses in select practice areas such as consumer law, business disputes, simple estate planning and probate, and non-death criminal defense.


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